Hydrogen Breath Test
Glucose breath test
lactose tolerance breath test
lactulose breath test
bacterial overgrowth breath test
Specialised collection procedure. Enquiries ph ext 98606.
This test requires pre booking through Labtests, Reception A, Meade Clinical Centre ext 98627
Mon - Fri, 0800 - 1630 excl. Public Holidays
4 hrs
Hydrogen analyser
See attachment
If the patient is a known insulin dependant diabetic, the mornings insulin dose prior to the test may need reducing. This requires the requesting doctor's guidance.
The patient must be well, have normal bacterial flora, and not have been on antibiotics for at least 1 week.
If the patient smokes, they must not smoke at least 4 hrs prior to the test.
The patient must adhere to a diet sheet and only eat foods from the permitted list the day before the test. The patient must then fast from 6pm with no carbohydrate ingestion for 14 hrs prior to the test. The patient is required to ingest a substrate load and then provide duplicate breath tests every half hour for the following 3 hours.