Laboratory Test Reference Guide

Laboratory Information

Test Name

Smith-Magenis (FISH)


17p11.2(FLII) deletion
Fluorescent in situ hybridization

Specimen Collection

Pre Testing Requirements

Specimens should be sent to Cytogenetics Waikato DHB laboratory for processing and slides of cultured cells/chromosomes dispatched for FISH analysis.

Adult Specimen

4ml Heparin (Dark green – non gel) whole blood sterile

Paediatric Specimen

4ml Heparin (Dark green – non gel) whole blood sterile

Sample Delivery to Lab

Specimen delivery Ambient on day of collection. Refrigerate overnight or weekend then send ambient

Test Information


Sendaway - Cytogenetics

Referred Out


Minimum Volume

 Adult  1ml. Paediatric 0.5 ml.


Electronic Information

Registration Code


HL7 mapping code