Protein S (Free)
2.7 mL sodium citrate tube (light blue)
1.8 ml paediatric sodium citrate tube (light blue)
500uL double spun platelet poor plasma
Send frozen
Mon - Fri, 0800 - 1630 excl. Public Holidays
67 – 135% (males)
56 – 135% (females)
In plasma, protein S circulates both free (~40%) and in a complex with C4b binding protein (~60%). Only the free form of protein S can function as an anticoagulant. Protein S levels may be reduced due to a congenital deficiency, an acquired decrease in the protein level (e.g. vitamin K deficiency, liver disease or warfarin therapy), or a shift of free protein to the bound form during an acute phase response with elevated C4b binding protein. A congenital deficiency in protein S may lead to a recurrent thrombotic tendency
500uL double spun platelet poor plasma