Parasites (Faecal)
Ova cysts and parasites.
Three fresh faecal specimens collected on separate days over a ten day period. Each sample must be delivered to the laboratory on the day of collect.
Routine faecal analysis includes examination for Giardia and Cryptosporidium – parasite concentration is only necessary when parasites other than Giardia and Cryptosporidium are suspected. Unless the patient has a history of overseas travel, recent immigration, eosinophilia and a history of >14 days diarrhoea,or is immunocompromised, parasite examination will be limited to Giardia/Cryptosporidium only
Mon - Fri, 0800 - 1630 excl. Public Holidays
2 - 3 days Monday – Friday
Send away test
Parasites (OCP) only
Sent to Pathlab Hamilton
Grape or walnut size sample.