Occult Blood Test
Faecal Occult Blood
Test is no longer available.
Please note that from 12 February 2018, FOB testing has been withdrawn completely from Waikato DHB Hospital laboratories and Pathlab laboratories.
FOB testing using the Faecal Immunochemical Test (FIT) test is neither sensitive nor specific enough to be used as a diagnostic test in a symptomatic individual. It is only suitable for, and validated as a screening test for colorectal cancer when applied to an average risk, asymptomatic population. It is not validated for any other clinical use.
This decision has been approved by the Laboratory Clinical Boards from Waikato DHB, Lakes and Bay of Plenty respectively, and has the full support of the gastroenterologists and colorectal surgeons from each of these DHBs.
For information about the funded National Bowel Cancer Screening programme see:" https://www.nsu.govt.nz/national-bowel-screening-programme". Stephen du Toit, Chemical Pathologist 021 245 8325.