Nucleophosmin (NPM1)
3 x Peripheral blood (EDTA) and 3 x Bone marrow aspirate (EDTA)
Paired BM and PB samples should ideally be sent for MRD purposes.
Samples must be received by referral laboratory within 24hrs of collection therefore sample must arrive at Waikato Hospital Laboratory asap after collection for dispatch.
Samples must be received at Waikato Hospital Laboratory by 11AM Thursdays. DO NOT SEND ON FRIDAYS
For samples referred internationally, the Haematology laboratory MUST be contacted prior to collection as international couriers and flights will need to be organised for delivery. For this reason, samples to go overseas should be collected at the start of the week and should never be collected on a Friday.
Please contact the Haematology laboratory on with all relevant information.
For optimal results, specimen should arrive at Canterbury Health Laboratories within 24 hours of collection, therefore it must arrive at Health Waikato Laboratory asap after collection and by 11AM Thursdays. DO NOT SEND ON FRIDAYS