Foeto-maternal haemorrhage
Fetal-maternal haemorrhage
4 mL EDTA tube (purple)
Kleihauer testing is not performed prior to 20 weeks gestation as the fetomaternal volume is sufficiently small to be covered by the standard dose of RhD-Ig.
Send at 4°C
Mon - Sun, 24hrs
24 hours, 2 hours if urgent. After hours authorisation by SMO required (2200-0800)
The Kleihauer test gives an indication of the number of Fetal cells in the specimen
This test can be used for determining the amount of fetal-maternal haemorrhage determining the anti-D immunoglobulin requirements for an Rh D negative woman, as part of a haemoglobinopathy study or confirming the fetal origin of a sample.
Dose of Anti-D to prevent Rh(D) alloimmunisation: 0 to 6 ml Rh(D)+ve foetal red cells use one 120 or 125 mgm (600 or 625 IU vial) of anti-D. If further dosage information is required, please refer to a Transfusion Medicine Specialist.
All positive Kleihaeurs of >4mls and any showing variable staining will be sent to Flow cytometry for confirmation. Flow cytometry is available Mon-Fri during normal working hours.
1mL EDTA tube (purple)