Laboratory Test Reference Guide

Laboratory Information

Test Name


External Price (excl. GST)


Specimen Collection

Adult Specimen

EDTA (Purple) on ice. See notes.

Pre Testing Requirements


Specimen Collection and Transport Protocols

EDTA kept on ice until separated, and must be separated within 1 hr of collection.

Paediatric Specimen

0.5 ml EDTA (Purple) on ice. See notes.

Instructions for Referral to Waikato Lab

Aliquot instructions

EDTA or Heparin blood kept on ice until separated, and must be separated within 1 hr of collection.

Aliquot Transport

Frozen plasma

Test Information



Test Availability


Laboratory Turnaround Time

7 days


cobas Pro

Unit of measurement


Reference interval

5 - 15 umol/L

Uncertainty of measurement


Diagnostic Use Or Instructions


Testing is indicated in the evaluation and follow-up of homocystinuria. In this rare genetic disease, homocysteine levels are often > 100 µmol/L. Testing may also be helpful in the evaluation of B12/Folate deficiency. MMA is more specific for B12 deficiency.

 Homocysteine may also increase in patients with hepatic dysfunction, renal dysfunction, diabetes mellitus, malignancies and taking certain medications: Folate antagonists, B12 antagonists, anticonvulsants, metformin, thiazide diuretics, some glitazones, nicotinic acid and fibrates.

Homocysteine and cardiovascular disease: a review of the evidence. Wierzbicki AS. Diab Vasc Dis Res. 2007 Jun;4(2):143-50


Additional Information

Patient should be fasting. Plasma must be separated within 1 hour of collection and frozen. Please notify the Laboratory that the specimen is on its way.

We have now restricted homocysteine testing to SMO requests only.


Minimum Volume

0.2 mL EDTA Plasma (Frozen)

Electronic Information

Registration Code


HL7 mapping code