Heinz body stain (direct)
4 mL EDTA tube (purple)
300uL whole blood EDTA microtainer (purple)
Send at 4°C within 24 hrs of sample collection
Mon - Fri, 0800 - 1630 excl. Public Holidays
None detected
Heinz bodies are a late sign of oxidative damage to the red cell, and represent an end product of the degradation of haemoglobin.
Heinz bodies are not found in normal subjects since they are removed from the red cell by the spleen, a process known as ‘pitting’. Small numbers are found in the red cells of normal splenectomized subjects. The finding of Heinz bodies is generally a sign of either chemical poisoning, drug intoxication, G6PD deficiency or the presence of an unstable haemoglobin e.g. Hb Koln. When of chemical or drug origin, Heinz bodies are likely to be visible in red cells only if the patient has been spenectomized previously or when massive doses of the chemical or drug have been taken.When due to an unstable haemoglobin they seem never to be visible in freshly withdrawn red cells except after splenectomy. ‘Heinz body like’ inclusions may be found in the red cells of subjects with B thalassemia major.
1 mL EDTA tube (purple)