Glucose Tolerance Test (Gestational)
Gestational GTT
GTT Gestational
2mL blood, fluoride tube taken at the following intervals:Fasting pre-dose and 2 hours post dose
For three days prior to the test, the patient must be on a diet containing no less than 150 g of carbohydrate daily. Do not perform this test on an acutely unwell patient or when known to be diabetic. The patient must have fasted for at least 8 hours. GTT should be performed in the morning because fasting glucose levels decrease during the day. Laboratory Phlebotomists carry out this test. Bookings for tests at Waikato Hospital should be made in advance by paging Phlebotomists directly.
The patient must be at rest and not smoke during the procedure. The glucose polymer solution ( = 75 g glucose) for this test should be obtained from the pharmacy if not available in your area.
Mon - Fri, 0800 - 1630 excl. Public Holidays
Cobas Pro
Gestational diabetes is diagnosed when: fasting glucose > 5.4 mmol/L and/or 2 hour glucose > 8.9 mmol/L