Gentamicin level
Heparin (light green), SST(gold),
The preferred sample is one collected between 8 and 12 hr post dose (random). Trough levels (within 1 hr before the next dose) or peak levels (1 hr post end of infusion) may be collected at times. Samples will be registered as either “post dose (random)” or “pre dose (trough)”. Please state whether the sample is pre or post dose.
0.2ml Heparin (light green) or Plain(red). Plain (red) for samples referred from Rural Hospitals
Mon - Sun, 24hrs
Cobas Pro
For adult patients, refer to Microguide, which can be downloaded as an app, or accessed on a PC.
For paediatric patients, please refer to the paediatric guidelines within the Script app. Information about antibiotic recommendations for particular conditions is available on the Starship website
20% at 1.3 ug/mL and 10% at 6.9 ug/mL
Typical levels observed are from 3 to 10ug/mL if dosing is satisfactory.
0.1 mL heparin plasma or serum.