Laboratory Test Reference Guide

Laboratory Information

Test Name

Fine Needle Aspiration collected by Clincians ( Cytology)


Fine Needle Aspirate
FNA Thyroid
FNA Neck

External Price (excl. GST)


Specimen Collection

Adult Specimen

FNA cellphone: 021 240 7502 FNA hours are 0830-1430hrs Monday – Friday. Please do not book cases outside these hours. (Cytology enquiries 98456)▪ All non-booked FNA’s must be discussed with the pathologist / registrar rostered for FNA’s for that day. ( Contacted via dedicated FNA cellphone). These outpatient FNA’s will then be allocated a time on our outpatient list held on THURSDAYS. Only extremely urgent FNA’s will be performed outside of the Thursday list.▪ Procedure is performed at Lab Tests, Reception A, Meade Clinical Centre ▪ As a guide, it is recommended that FNA’s of thyroid lesions, neck lesions ( including anterior triangle masses ) and small lymph nodes be performed under image guidance and should therefore be booked through radiology. ▪ If a request form does not accompany the patient, and has not been faxed to the Cytology Department (fax 96455), the FNA cannot be performed.▪ Medical staff other than pathologists and radiologists collecting FNA’s are reminded of the Laboratory Policy for urgent samples, the lab must be contacted prior to the specimen being sent.▪ In accordance with the Community Policy, FNA’s will not be performed on patients under the age of 15 years without special arrangement with the duty pathologist.▪ Urgent cases outside the above hours will only be performed if the pathologist considers it appropriate. ▪ Weekend services are not available.

Pre Testing Requirements

? Stop Warfarin check INR

Specimen Collection and Transport Protocols

Please prepare a minimum of 2 slides and air-dry.Label slides with 2 identifiers in pencil please. Ensure request form has clinical details.

If a cell block is collected, please place formalin pot in a separate Biohazard bag. This should be sent together with the slides prepared. Place the cell block containing bag within the slides containing bag with one request form. (Bag-in-a-bag system) 

Test Information



Test Availability

Mon - Fri, 0800 - 1630 excl. Public Holidays

Laboratory Turnaround Time

4 hrs - 5 days + 1-2 days if IP's required


Manual Technique

Electronic Information

Registration Code


HL7 mapping code