Complete blood count
Full Blood Examination
Full blood count
Differential count
Diff count
IG count
Immature Granulocytes
Platelet F
Fluorescent Platelet
Blood film
Peripheral Blood film
3 mL EDTA tube
300 uL EDTA microtainer.
Send at 4°C
Mon - Sun, 24hrs
2 hours for automated count
Sysmex XN Analyser
See below:
Don’t perform repetitive CBC and chemistry testing in the face of clinical and lab stability.
Don’t request daily full blood counts, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) or C-reactive protein (CRP) as measures of response to antibiotics if patients are clinically improving.
Complete blood count includes a white cell differential except when ‘CBC without differential/film’ is requested for neonates.
Blood film appraisal of WBC, RBC and platelets is undertaken as required.
The white cell differential includes an Immature Granulocytes (IG) fraction which includes promyelocytes, myelocytes and metamyelocytes.
It does not include blast or band forms. Immature granulocytes are not usually detected in healthy individuals, but may be increased in infection, inflammation, stress, haematological or other malignancies, steroid use, pregnancy and other conditions where there is a leucoerythroblastic picture.
A haemoglobinopathy screen may be added post analysis if clinically indicated.
Add-on test: within 24 hours after collection
Adult tube (3mL EDTA): minimum 1 mL
Pediatric EDTA tube: minimum 250 uL