Laboratory Test Reference Guide

Laboratory Information

Test Name

Comment on blood film

External Price (excl. GST)


Specimen Collection

Pre Testing Requirements

A CBC with differential is an essential component of this test. Please ensure one is ordered at time of collection.

Adult Specimen

4 mL EDTA tube, or unstained blood film.

Paediatric Specimen

300 uL EDTA microtainer.

Instructions for Referral to Waikato Lab

Aliquot instructions

If referring film from a referral laboratory, please include a copy of the Haematology analyser printout, and any other pertinent laboratory results and clinical findings.

Aliquot Transport

Room temperature

Test Information



Test Availability

Mon - Sun, 0800 - 2400

Laboratory Turnaround Time

2 hours

Minimum Volume

300uL in EDTA microtainer or unstained blood film

Electronic Information

Registration Code


HL7 mapping code