Laboratory Test Reference Guide

Laboratory Information

Test Name

Adenovirus (PCR)


Adenovirus DNA - Eye swabs.
Adenovirus DNA - Respiratory specimens.

Specimen Collection

Specimen Collection and Transport Protocols

Eye specimens - Green top Virocult swabs (Containing viral transport media).

Nasopharyngeal swabs may be tested following a negative result  for the three-virus standard respiratory panel. The test may be added on to the same sample, please phone the laboratory.


Sample Delivery to Lab

Samples may be transported to Waikato Hospital Laboratory at room temperature

Instructions for Referral to Waikato Lab

Aliquot Transport


Test Information


Molecular Biology

Test Availability


Laboratory Turnaround Time

Samples are tested once a week, but urgent samples will be tested on request, please contact the laboratory



Diagnostic Use Or Instructions

Respiratory specimens.  Refer to the Clinical Microbiologist. See the intranet laboratory swab guide. 

Referred Out