Laboratory Test Reference Guide

Laboratory Information

Test Name

Vitamin B6


Pyridoxal 5 phosphate

External Price (excl. GST)


Specimen Collection

Specimen Collection and Transport Protocols

Protect from light.

Test Information


Sendaway - Biochemistry

Test Availability

Referred to external laboratory.

Additional Information

Vitamin B6 is present in a large variety of foods, an isolated deficiency of B6 is rare.  Deficiency can cause very low ALT/AST levels, EEG changes (and seizures in children) as well as dermatitis, cheilosis and glossitis. Testing may take up to 5 weeks, suggest to treat symptomatic patients. The following drugs can cause deficiency due to increased renal loss - INH, penicillamine, benserazide and carbidopa. Theophylline can also cause deficiency. Toxicity (muscle weakness and sensory neuropathy) has been seen in patients taking > 2 g per day but not in patients taking up to 200 mg/day. RDA is 6 mg/day

Testing is only performed following approval by a Chemical Pathologist (clinical information is required)

Vitamin B6 can also be performed if the patient is willing to pay $85.  To arrange payment Ph:07 8398606 ext96142.         

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Electronic Information

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