Vitamin D
25 OH Vit D, Vit D, 25 OH Vitamin D, Vitamin D, 25OH Vitamin D
SST Tube (Gold Top) or Plain Tube (Red Top).
There has been a change to specimen requirements for Vitamin D analysis, with serum now being the only acceptable sample type (Red or Gold top), as of 14/3/2023.
Preferred Sample Volume (serum) 0.6 ml, Minimum Sample Volume 0.2 ml.
Sendaway - Biochemistry
Referred to external laboratory.
When assessment of Vitamin D stores is indicated, 25 OH Vitamin D should be measured. 1, 25 OH Vitamin D does not reflect tissue stores, serum levels are largely determined by PTH and renal 1-alpha hydroxylase activity. 1, 25 OH Vitamin D testing is performed in Australia.